Friday, June 15, 2007

Happy Anniversary

Greg Smith had a most memorable experience - and wrote an article about it! Here is an excerpt.

The Ritz-Carlton hotels makes customer service an art form. Unlike other places, they know if you treat your customers well and make a special effort to please them guess what? They come back, tell their friends, and maintain a long lasting relationship of loyalty.

My wife and I recently stayed at the Reynolds Plantation Ritz-Carlton at Lake Oconee, Georgia. Upon checking in, we dropped off our bags and took a seat in the lobby to enjoy the view of the lake. A few minutes later a service person named Susan introduced herself, beginning a friendly conversation. She asked us why we were staying at the hotel. I said, "We are here for our wedding anniversary." With a very big smile she told us, "Congratulations. Let me go get you some champagne." Wow! This was the first of two episodes at this hotel that would capture my loyalty as a guest of Ritz-Carlton.

Later that evening a knock at the door caught us by surprise. Greeting us again was Susan. This time she surprised us with a luscious piece of cake carefully presented on a plate. In icing was this inscription, "Happy Anniversary." Wow!

It was not a stroke of luck we stumbled across Susan. She, as well as other Ritz Carlton employees, are carefully selected and thoroughly trained on how to identify guest?s unspoken requests. They follow a process called the "Three Steps of Service."

Step 1 - Warm welcome
Step 2 - Anticipation and compliance
Step 3 - Fond farewell

It is during Step 2 where staff members seek out and discover guest's needs or wishes. Then they present it in a way to create a 'moment of truth.' In our case, it was the champagne and the anniversary cake.

Now, let me make an important point to the critics. I know many of you are saying, 'I expect to be treated well at fine hotels - it is what I pay for.' Let's consider this. The same principles and standards of behavior demonstrated at the Ritz-Carlton can also be applied at your local car dealership, bank, or any business, can't they?

A Gallup survey found over a one month period a customer 'emotionally connected' to the organization spent 46% more money than a customer that was satisfied, but not emotionally bonded with the company.

Just imagine going to your car repair shop with your car. Within sixty minutes they fix it right the first time, and deliver it to your door cleaner than when you dropped it off. How many people would you tell about it? Surely, the proprietor of the car repair shop would see exponential growth. The additional profits and the revenue would outweigh the added time and expense spent exceeding customers expectations.

In today's competitive economy, all businesses have to make a choice, to either become exceptional, or just remain the same--average. It goes without saying; it is easier and less expensive to be average. However, examples abound of both large and small businesses exterminated by the competition because they refused or were unable to change.

Greg Smith's cutting-edge keynotes, consulting, and training programs have helped businesses reduce turnover, increase sales, hire better people and deliver better customer service. He has authored eight books including his latest, 401 Proven Ways to Retain Your Best Employees (

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